Alex Mathers on Productivity

One of the pillars of Starving Artists Anonymous is Productivity. There is no point calling yourself an artist if you don't make art. So even if you don't have a strategy for making money with it yet, you gotta make some art.

It doesn't have to be brilliant (make it good, if you can), but even bad art is better than no art.  A bad artist is still an artist, but if you don't make art at some point, you're not an artist at all. This should go without saying, but you'd be surprised how many so-called artists, poets, musicians and writers never actually make anything. Put up or shut up.

Okay, stop hating yourself... That's not the point of all this. Clean yourself up and go get your hands dirty!

Having problem with motivation? Check out these four productivity prompts from that dude Alex Mathers! He boils down some productivity advice that we hope you'll find useful at the link below!

My experience — and the ideas I’ve picked up from others — shows me that we take more efficient action when we are aware of four basic prompts:
  • What matters?
  • Why does it matter?
  • When will it get done?
  • How will it get done?
These questions define my daily plan.
CLICK HERE to read Alex's explanation of how these  questions define his day and set him up to be productive.

HEY! Before you go:
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